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Need some table making ideas?

So we know what inspires Christian, but what inspires others to build their own unique piece of furniture? Do you think they found the table top and hoarded it away until the time came for the perfect table legs to pair with it? Or do you think the legs inspire the table top? I'm sure it goes both ways. And either way, the great thing that we've seen so far with customer's designs is that they're all completely unique, and also they're not crappy. HA!
I mean really, nobody's thrown a piece of particle board on top of their iron legs. But hey, maybe we just haven't seen it and I wouldn't put it past anyone to be able to make it look cool. If anyone could do it, it would be IKEA. WINK WINK
These Drake Casting customers make up a niche population of creative souls. I'd say the majority of people either don't want to deal with the creative process or they just don't have that creativity in them. They love the examples, they love the legs, but they don't know what they would want for themselves. They want someone to do it for them. Well, we're working on it. But in the meantime, don't sell yourself short. Check out these examples of customers' work. A couple Drake Casting originals mixed in there too.

My family has built a table top from barn wood. It is probably 3.5’ by 8’. We have a set of the cast iron dining table legs and have been having big debates on the best way to attach the legs. The men insist there should be a bar that connects the table legs for stability. Just wondering if you guys have some tips or instructions you can send our way. Thanks much.
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